OSU and Air Force: Innovating together.

We are OSU's Aerospace Propulsion Outreach Program team, a collaboration between our university and the United States Air Force Research Laboratory.

This year’s project: develop a thrust vectoring system for our jet engine.

Meeting times TBD for Winter 2025

1st Place Award 2023-2024 Photo

1st Place Award 2023-2024 Photo

Innovative Challenges

With OSU first participating in 2014, the Air Force-sponsored APOP competition is targeted at undergraduate students participating in capstone projects and motivated by the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Educational Partnership Agreements program. APOP is dedicated to aeronautical engineering endeavors specifically involving gas-turbine engine technology.




More Than A “School Project”

APOP is led by a Senior Capstone Team, but welcomes and encourages students of all areas of study and abilities to join our team!

APOP is a platform for personal and professional development outside of the traditional school project environment.

We maintain a collaborative learning environment and pride ourselves on providing ways for all students to meaningfully contribute.

Volunteer Roles:

Volunteers have extensively participated in manufacturing, testing, test stand, and heat exchange design, overall CAD modeling, cost analysis, and research.

There are many opportunities to be involved at different levels and the team works hard to find tasks that suit and help expand your skill set.



Afterburner Nozzle


Cold Start


Compact & Low-Loss S-Duct Inlet.


Thrust Reversal Mechanism


Combuster Bypass/External Combuster


Increased Thrust/Weight Ratio


Increase Thrust/Weight Ratio & Minimize fuel consumption


Thrust Vectoring


Supersonic Nozzle


Anti-Windmilling & Thrust Vector Control.


Produce DC Power & Maximize Thrust/Weight Ratio